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Gender inequality

Gender inequality

Team info

Aldo Alia




The challenge

Gender inequality in developing & undeveloped countries

The solution

Cooperation with government on providing more opportunities for girls for their education. Creating longer shortlists in both public and private sector to omit the traditional thinking of some jobs being for men mostly. Cooperating with government and NGO to reduce the pay gap between genders. Organising sensibilizing events for equally sharing household chores and childcare


“Men control the world, but women control the men.” Sherry Argon had quite a point on what she said. Nowadays the role and importance of female gender is increasing linearly but mostly in dveloped countries only. In developing and undeveloped countries the concept of women is still mentally pooar and inappropriate,as violence exists and most of the basic human rights such as education and freedom are also violated.If we want to make the world more peaceful and we want to create a positive impact,we should start by creating equality within genders and therefore try to solve this problem from the roots.

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