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Team info

Safae Laarabi
Rada Daleva
Lidia Martin Velasco
Magdalena Garcia Flores
Chan Jin Wei Louis




The challenge

As emphasized by the UN Secretary General "cities are where the climate battle will largely be won or lost" as they make up more than 70% of the world's global emissions. Rapid unplanned urbanization, immense pressure on the environment and natural resources, growing inequality and increased energy consumption are some of the problems that create vulnerable cities. Furthermore, cities face a lack of collaboration between different stakeholders, as well as targeted action and democratic allocation of resources.

The solution

OpportuCity is an initiative that embodies the concept of systematic thinking and collaborative action taking. We believe that in order to solve a systematic problem, we need to use a systematic approach. In order to transform cities and make them livable, we need to design solutions to problems and turn them into opportunities for action through collaboration with various stakeholders. OpportuCity will be the platform that enables this multi-level collaboration between active citizens, ambitious students, visionary urbanists and architects, socially responsible businesses and local authorities to co-create solutions that will make our cities full of opportunities for every citizen to thrive.


Creating sustainable cities (safe, resilient, inclusive) full of opportunities / Contribution to the achievement of SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities)

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